Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how My Dream Floor Ltd (hereafter “My Dream Flooring”) uses and protects any information that you give My Dream Flooring when you use this website.

My Dream Flooring is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

My Dream Flooring may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 1st January 2024.

What we collect
We may collect the following information:

name, address and telephone number
contact information including email address
demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers
What we do with the information we gather
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

Internal record keeping.
To arrange appointments.
We may use the information to improve our products and services.
We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customise the website according to your interests.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about webpage traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information
You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes
if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to [address].

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

My Dream Flooring Facebook Messenger Privacy Policy

My Dream Flooring respects your privacy. We’re dedicated to protecting the privacy of persons (hereafter user(s) or you) using My Dream Flooring’s webpages, chatbot and other services and applications provided by My Dream Flooring (hereafter as service(s)).

This Privacy Policy helps you to understand what personal information/data (hereafter as personal information) and non-personal information we collect in order to improve our service, while telling you more about how that data is harnessed to produce better experiences for our users.

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of the services and we recommend you read it before using My Dream Flooring’s services. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, unfortunately we’d have to recommend you do not use our service.

“Personal Information” refers to information which allows users to be specifically identified as individual persons. We may also collect “non-personal information” meaning it can’t be attributed to any one person or specifically identify any persons. Non-personal information may consist of de-identified information which can’t be traced back to any one user. We collect and use both types of information to improve our service.

Personal information may be used in the following ways and only the following ways:
– provision, maintenance, and development of the services;
– customising user experiences;
– contacting users in accordance with their communication preferences;
– sending customer and marketing information to users in accordance with their communication preferences;
– conducting research and creating internal reports in order to better the service.

My Dream Flooring is committed to adhering to the EU Data Protection Directive, and other applicable laws and regulations on the processing of personal information. We’re also committed to processing personal information in compliance with best practice. All personnel processing personal information are strictly obliged to maintain full confidentiality.

We collect a range of information which falls into several categories:
-information given to us by our users;
– real-time data from our My Dream Flooring’s website and chatbot about how users behave;
– data that comes directly from Facebook on the users that use their services;
– bought data from third parties (including social networking sites) which is relevant to our service.

We will collect information that you give to us, for example by using our services and contacting us. This includes your name, e-mail address, phone number, preferred language, location and time zone. We also collect information on your behaviour, such as, if you bypass a specific topic or information, if you select to read a specific topic or information, how you interact with our website and chatbot, location, email address.

In order to enhance the service My Dream Flooring may use tools from third party service providers, to collect and use information and how you engage with My Dream Flooring’s chatbot. We may feature advertising within the services, and may employ third party technologies to collect information in the services. Advertising may be based on your user profile in order to provide personalised advertisements and advertising in the service may come from affiliate advertising networks.

My Dream Flooring will not disclose your stored personal information to third parties for direct marketing, market research, polls or public registers without your consent (except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out). We may use external service providers to provide technical solutions or services for processing stored information and access the stored information by using a technical interface and share your personal information with third party service providers as is reasonably necessary to perform, improve or maintain the services.

My Dream Flooring may use third party service providers, such as e-mail service providers, credit card processors, information analysers and business intelligence providers. My Dream Flooring has the right to share personal information as necessary for the aforementioned service providers to provide their services to My Dream Flooring. My Dream Flooring is not liable for the acts and omissions of these third parties.

We may share non-personal information (such as anonymous user usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, asset views, number of clicks, etc.) with interested third-parties to assist them in understanding the usage patterns for certain content, services, advertisements, promotions, and/or functionality of the services. In exceptional circumstances personal information may be disclosed to third parties if required under any applicable law or regulation or order by competent authorities.

My Dream Flooring may share your information in connection with any merger, sale of our assets, or a financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business. Aggregate or anonymous information about you may be shared with advertisers, publishers, business partners, and other third parties. You acknowledge and agree that My Dream Flooring may host the services in and transfer information for this purpose to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area or the United States of America in accordance with mandatory legislation and this Privacy Policy.

The register will be maintained in external service providers’ servers with appropriate safeguards, such as password protection, granting the access to the stored information only to My Dream Flooring, persons working at My Dream Flooring or My Dream Flooring partners who are expressly authorised by My Dream Flooring. The register is protected by appropriate industry standard, technical and organisational safety measures.

Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected on the services in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information during its transmission or its storage on our systems. My Dream Flooring will post a notice on the My Dream Flooring website or through the services in case of material security breach that endangers your privacy or personal information. My Dream Flooring may also temporarily shut down a service to protect personal information.

Users are entitled to review any information collected and stored about them. When a user wishes to use the above right, they can do so by sending a request to My Dream Flooring e.g. via email. We will, at our own initiative or upon a user’s request, complement, correct or delete incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal information. You may opt-out of receiving promotional emails from My Dream Flooring. If you opt-out, My Dream Flooring may still send you non-promotional customer information, such as emails about your account, access to services or major changes to our services.

My Dream Flooring may update this Privacy Policy when the need arises, and at My Dream Flooring’s sole discretion. All changes will be made available here, which is why My Dream Flooring encourages users to frequently check this page for any changes to this Privacy Policy. Changes pertaining to a user’s rights will never be made without asking for consent first.